Apple Explains the Cause of the Bug That Caused Deleted Photos to Reappear

We now know why some users photos reappeared they had deleted

Apple Explains the Cause of the Bug That Caused Deleted Photos to Reappear
iOS 17.5.1 fixed the bug where deleted photos reappeared

iOS 17.5.1 was released a few days ago to fix a bug that caused photos deleted in the past to reappear in users’ camera roll, something that sparked a lot of concern and questions. We didn’t have any information on this beyond the update notes. Thankfully, Apple has given more details about it.

In the notes for the update itself, the company made reference to a corrupted database, but without elaborating. A week after the bug appeared, the company has provided some more details about the causes of this problem.

SEE ALSO: How to Remove Your Ex from Photos with Artificial Intelligence

iCloud had nothing to do with it

In some cases, the photos that appeared dated back to 2010, which led to the belief that those photos had not really been deleted and that they remained somewhere. Apple says that the deleted photos that have reappeared were the fault of a corrupted database entry that existed in the device’s own file system.

According to Apple, photos that weren’t completely deleted from a user’s device weren’t synced to iCloud. Those files were only on the device itself. However, files might have persisted from device to device when you restored from a backup, performed a device-to-device transfer, or restored from an iCloud backup, but not when using iCloud Photos.

There has also been a rumor that there were photos appearing on devices sold to other people, but that’s not true. It was a Reddit post that went viral in the middle of the hustle and bustle due to the bug that did exist, but was finally removed from the social network by the author himself, which suggests that he only wanted to take advantage of the situation to gain visibility.

Apple has emphasized that this has been a strange issue that has affected many users, but that it does not save or have access to users’ photos and videos. With iOS 17.5.1, the photos that reappeared when iOS 17.5 was released have been deleted again, so the bug has been fixed.



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