15 Artworks That Only A Student In Complete Boredom Can Do During Class

Surely throughout your student years you came across a class or two that was really boring, and you did nothing but look at the clock hoping that time would pass faster to finally free yourself from that ordeal.

But if in your desperate attempts to entertain yourself for a while you gave a change of look to the pages of your books; Let me tell you, you’ll identify with these creative minds who turned their boredom into great works of art, worthy of a 100.


#1 Refreshing the mind

Refreshing The Mind

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      #2 The Dwarves of History

      The Dwarves Of History

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          #3 Secret Agent Style

          Secret Agent Style

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              #4 Only a true artist could see a bird in their hair

              Only A True Artist Could See A Bird In Their Hair

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                  #5 The Power of Math

                  The Power Of Math

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                      #6 When you combine your favorite band with history

                      When You Combine Your Favorite Band With History

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                          #7 A Quirky Baseball Player

                          A Quirky Baseball Player

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                              #8 Posing for the selfie

                              Posing For The Selfie

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                                  #9 The Imperfect Landing

                                  The Imperfect Landing

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                                      #10 Files and dinosaurs went out of fashion

                                      Files And Dinosaurs Went Out Of Fashion

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                                          #11 Food Chain

                                          Food Chain

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                                              #12 The joke is to revive the person

                                              The Joke Is To Revive The Person

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                                                  #13 Someone Was Hungry

                                                  Someone Was Hungry

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                                                      #14 Oriental Duckface

                                                      Oriental Duckface

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                                                          #15 The water current is very strong

                                                          The Water Current Is Very Strong

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