11 Fan Theories About Famous Movies With A Lot of Sense

A feature film can provoke a multitude of interpretations depending on the viewer, and there is never a shortage of those who publish their curious theories on the Internet. Most of these versions don’t have the endorsement of the director or screenwriter of the film in question, but they can help us completely rethink the way we consume certain works.

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Some of these theories become so popular over time that they become cult themes and the subject of other films. For example, Room 237 (2012) discusses a number of alleged subliminal messages “discovered” in The Shining (1980), including some alleged evidence that Stanley Kubrick helped the U.S. government carry out the 1969 montage of man on the Moon.


RoboCop (1987).


Some fans of the film went so far as to argue that the hero was a kind of wrath-filled Jesus Christ, “crucified” in the first 50 minutes of the plot and resurrected in the next 50 minutes. Paul Verhoeven, the director, confirmed this theory in 2010, emphasizing that scene in which RoboCop appears to walk on water.

The Marvel movies.


Stan Lee, creator of many Marvel superheroes, has made cameo appearances in virtually every production in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. According to some fans, he would be the embodiment of a character from the comics: the Watcher, a cosmic being who appears whenever an important historical event needs to be recorded.

Back to the Future (1985).


When he tests the time machine in the form of DeLorean, scientist Doc Brown (Christopher Lloyd) is in fact planning to commit suicide. He stands in front of a moving car and mentions that all his previous experiments had been a failure.

Titanic (1997).


Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) would only be a creation of Rose’s (Kate Winslet) mind. She fabricated the perfect man in her imagination after the trauma suffered with her boyfriend, Cal (Billy Zane). That’s why he doesn’t go up to the floating door in the finale: since the girl had already gotten rid of Cal and known love, Jack was no longer needed.

The Shining (1980).


The theory goes that Stanley Kubrick would have been responsible for filming the fake moon landing planned by the U.S. government in 1969. He was forced to secrecy, but he hid some evidence in this thriller. Here are four alleged pieces of evidence of the fact:

1 – The hotel room number, 237, refers to the distance between the Earth and the Moon in miles (although it’s actually 238,855 miles).

2 – The strange twins that appear in the hallway would be a symbol of NASA’s Gemini space program.

3 – Teddy bears, characteristic animals of the Soviet Union, are an allegory to that country. At that time, the USSR was the United States’ biggest rival in the Space Race.

4 – When Jack (Jack Nicholson) writes “All work and no play”, or “All” A11 appears, a supposed code for the Apollo 11 spacecraft, which would have taken man to the Moon.

X-Men Trilogy.


The machine that Magneto (Ian McKellen) uses in the first film to seek to transform humans into mutants is responsible for transforming Jean Grey (Famke Janssen) into a Phoenix.

When Charles Xavier (Patrick Stewart) explains the machine, the script makes an effort to include dialogue in which the X-Men ask what effects it would have on someone who is already a mutant… But no one knows how to answer.

When this machine is destroyed and its energy wave retracts, the first scene shown after the cut is that of Jean experiencing some sort of invisible effect or impact.

In X-Men 2, Cyclops (James Marsden) tells Jean that, since what had happened at the Statue of Liberty (the destruction of the machine), she was “no longer the same”.

Kill Bill: Volume 2 (2004).


In the film’s credits, every member of the Lethal Viper Assassination Squad who died has their name crossed out, as did Beatrix Kiddo (Uma Thurman) on her revenge list. But Bill’s (David Carradine) name is intact. A sign that he only faked his death and that he is still alive.

Pulp Fiction (1994).


The mysterious briefcase around which the plot revolves would contain the soul of the mobster Marsellus (Ving Rhames). He would have sold it to the devil in exchange for power. That’s why it emits that strange light and its security code is 666. And that’s also why God protects Jules (Samuel L. Jackson) from bullets.

Almighty (2003).


Bruce (Jim Carrey) would never have acquired godlike powers. He just freaked out after he wasn’t promoted in the job. The fantastic events around him are a figment of his imagination or are real, but not caused by him. After all, he receives a treatment that cures this illusion.

Minority Report (2002).


The happy ending never happened. Remember that previous moment, when John Anderton (Tom Cruise) is “disconnected” and imprisoned in a tube? Scientists say that prisoners of this kind do not seek to flee, because their brains are kept unconscious, “free to dream.” Thus, all we see afterwards are just dreams.

The Origin (2010).


Cobb’s (Leonardo DiCaprio) totem pole wouldn’t be the spinning top, but his wedding ring. He always wears it during dreams, but not in scenes that happen in the real world. This would be a definitive answer at the end of the movie: Cobb doesn’t wear the ring when he is reunited with his children, so this event happened in reality.

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