20 Images of Celebrities Posing with Their Versions of the Past

Many of us would love to be able to go back in time to correct some mistakes. They haven’t invented the time machine yet, but an artist from the Netherlands named Ard Gelinck makes some photo montages of celebrities with their younger versions, with truly interesting and sometimes surreal results.

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Here you can see how unforgettable celebrities such as Freddy Mercury, Michael Jackson, Madonna and Tom Hanks have evolved over the years by comparing them to their versions of bygone eras, posing side by side as if they were best friends.


Lady Gaga.

Celebrities with their young selves (20)

Robert De Niro.

Celebrities with their young selves (19)

Paul McCartney.

Celebrities with their young selves (18)

George Clooney.

Celebrities with their young selves (17)

Michael Jackson.

Celebrities with their young selves (16)

Drew Barrymore.

Celebrities with their younger selves (15)


Celebrities with their young selves (14)

Jon Bon Jovi.

Celebrities with their young selves (13)

Christina Applegate.

Celebrities with their young selves (12)


Celebrities with their young selves (11)

Jennifer Aniston.

Celebrities with their young selves (10)

Will Smith.

Celebrities with their young selves (9)

David Bowie.

Celebrities with their young selves (8)

Tom Hanks.

Celebrities and young selves (7)

Johnny Depp.

Celebrities with their young selves (6)

Brad Pitt.

Celebrities with their young selves (5)

Amy Winehouse.

Celebrities with their young selves (4)

Harrison Ford.

Celebrities and young selves (3)

Freddie Mercury.

Celebrities with their younger selves (2)

Emma Watson.

Celebrities with their young selves (1)

You can see more on the artist’s Instagram.



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