Learn about the phrase Steve Jobs used to earn everyone’s respect

The founder of Apple used a language that seemed simple but that generated a great impact on his listeners. He resorted to principles of emotional intelligence

Jobs had a rhetoric capable of conveying tranquility and credibility
Jobs had a rhetoric capable of conveying tranquility and credibility. (Photo: REUTERS/Beck Diefenbach)

Steve Jobs, the former CEO and founder of Apple, left a legacy in the world of technology that goes beyond his innovations in electronic devices.

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He is widely recognized for efficiently applying the principles of emotional intelligence in his presentations, which contributed significantly to the success and resonance of his speeches. A phrase that encompassed his mentality was: “It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.”

Jobs understood that naturalness and proper posture were critical to successful communication, and this was reflected every time he took the stage to unveil a new Apple product.

What was the phrase Steve Jobs used to earn respect

Steve Jobs used his language focused on each person being able to understand him
Steve Jobs used his language focused on each person being able to understand him. (Photo: AP Photo/Paul Sakuma, File)

Jobs’ lighthearted attitude not only made his speeches seem simple, but also managed to maintain their impact. With this premise, he not only informed about a product, but also told a story that kept the audience captivated, excited and, in many cases, willing to purchase the product he presented.

This focus on communication is not limited to business leaders alone. A study by the University of Oxford maintains that 80% of the information we transmit is non-verbal, which highlights the importance of non-verbal communication in all aspects of life.

The ability to convey a message effectively depends not only on the words selected, but also on the way they are communicated.

Why emotional intelligence is important

Steve Jobs was a fundamental part of Apple's success
Steve Jobs was a fundamental part of Apple’s success.

In the world of tech leadership, emotional intelligence is just as crucial as technical skills. This approach is exemplified by effective communication and research has shown that the tone and attitude with which messages are conveyed can significantly affect the perception of the same sentence.

This phenomenon is widely known as the 55-38-7 rule. According to this rule, only 7% of communication is based on words, while 38% depends on tone of voice and 55% on body language.

Steve Jobs applied this formula perfectly, creating an atmosphere during his presentations where the audience felt connected to both him and the products he presented.

What Jobs said about the importance of communication

For Jobs, communication went beyond a simple transmission of information; it was an art that involved emotions and perceptions. Every gesture, every pause, every smile was carefully orchestrated to maximize the impact of his message on the audience.

Apple established itself as a major technology company
Apple established itself as a major technology company. (Photo: REUTERS)

For example, when he unveiled the first iPhone in 2007, he did so in a way that went far beyond showing off a new phone. His words, tone, and body language created a narrative that transformed the mobile phone industry and changed the way people communicate and access information.

Understanding and mastering nonverbal and paraverbal communication can improve our interpersonal relationships and professional effectiveness significantly. While you don’t need to be a leader of Steve Jobs’ stature, these principles can lead anyone to great success in their presentations and everyday conversations.

The key is authenticity and the ability to connect emotionally with the audience, whether it’s an audience at a business presentation, a team meeting, or a casual conversation.

How to implement Steve Jobs’ emotional intelligence

The aspect of how an audience is informed must be promoted in academia
The aspect of how an audience is informed must be promoted in academia. (Illustrative image)

Developing skills in these areas takes practice and self-awareness. Observing effective communicators and analyzing what makes them effective can be a good place to start. Feedback is also crucial.

Participating in practice sessions and asking colleagues and friends to observe and comment on our presentation skills can provide valuable insights.

Nonverbal communication also encompasses the use of space, intonation, pauses, and gestures. These elements can enrich, complement or, in negative cases, contradict the verbal message.

For example, crossing your arms can be interpreted as a defensive posture, while keeping your hands open and relaxed can convey openness and receptivity.



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