AI Pin Failure Puts Humane on the Ropes: Startup Seeks Buyer

The AI Pin hasn’t worked out the way Humane had hoped, and now the company is looking for a buyer for its entire business

AI Pin Failure Puts Humane on the Ropes Startup Seeks Buyer
Everything points to Humane putting its business up for sale, the AI Pin is a failure and the company is aware of it

Humane is considering putting its entire business up for sale, rumors coming from Bloomberg would indicate that the company’s founders would seek to sell the startup at a price that would be between 750 million and one billion dollars, considerable figures considering the multiple criticisms that its only product; the AI Pin, has received.

The AI Pin has not convinced users and neither has the specialized press, the device intended to replace or accompany the smartphone has been a real failure and Humane seems to be aware of this. The sale of the company would be a move to avoid a major business accident for founders Imran Chaudhri and Bethany Bongiorno.

Humane for sale after AI Pin failure: startup seeks buyers

The short life that Humane has had has allowed them to launch a device, the AI Pin appeared on the market in November 2023 and caused a huge stir. Humane indicated that it would be a revolution in the way users interact with technology, it risked saying that it could replace the smartphone thanks to its AI model capable of interacting more efficiently with users.

After his presentation came the analyses and opinions, this being a key moment for any company and, above all, for one that only has a single product. Logically, the promises made by Humane were not fulfilled and the AI Pin was a disappointment for users who were willing to pay the $699 tag that this product has.

The AI Pin has several problems, one of the most serious being the need to access all of the user’s data in order to function. It makes sense that AI needs to know the user, but there needs to be a middle ground where the safety of users can be ensured without affecting their experience.

Of course, the AI Pin is not the only device destined to be a replacement for the smartphone that is going through a rough patch. The Rabbit r1 also seems to have disappointed users and, in fact, it has been discovered that behind that halo of mystery that surrounds the AI is a highly modified AOSP layer.

Humane faces an uncertain future, now we just have to wait to see if what Bloomberg indicated is true and the business of this company with a short life will be sold to a bigger fish. In addition, it will be interesting to see if any company is interested in acquiring Humane.



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