All the news of Telegram that arrives with the new update

Telegram is updated with a handful of new features focused on stories and offering greater resources to content creators

All the news of Telegram that arrives with the new update
Telegram’s new features in its new update are focused on improving the story experience and offering better monetization for content creators

Telegram has just been updated as it does every month and, although it may seem impossible, the instant messaging application has interesting new features. Let’s break them all down, reviewing what they have launched in this new version of Telegram that can be downloaded from today for Android, iOS, macOS, Windows and all compatible operating systems. Of course, the version of Telegram for browsers also receives these new features and improvements.

Table of Contents

Mini App Bar

Mini apps on Telegram
Mini apps on Telegram

Telegram has a huge variety of applications, now these applications will be displayed within a bar at the bottom of the device. This bar will make moving between the different applications within Telegram much easier, being comfortable to use and, above all, useful.

Ability to pay for paid content with stars

Telegram stars can now be used to unlock content
Telegram stars can now be used to unlock content

Telegram stars are the current currency within the messaging application, it allows users to buy digital products within the mini-applications that we have seen in the previous section. These stars are now also used to unblock paid content from channels from, for example, content creators.

Search stories by hashtag

Hashtag search can now also be used in stories
Hashtag search can now also be used in stories

Hashtag search landed on Telegram in the previous update, although it only allowed users to search for content in public channels. This time, Telegram will allow users to search by hashtag in the stories that are uploaded to the application as well.

Story Search by Location

Telegram stories now support location search
Telegram stories now support location search

Telegram seems to have made an effort to improve the user experience when it comes to using stories. Accompanying the previous feature, Telegram also debuts search by location in stories, which makes it easier to see what has been published in a specific place.

Link widget in stories

Telegram debuts a widget to share links in stories
Telegram debuts a widget to share links in stories

In true Instagram style, Telegram stories will now allow you to share links thanks to a new widget. This element can be added to both photographs and videos published in Telegram stories, in addition to offering different designs depending on the prominence you want to give to this element.

The rest of the new features are not aimed directly at users, in fact, they are advantages for developers and creators. In both cases, they revolve around the fact that, now, users can use the stars to unlock content.

These stars translate into rewards in toncoins, cryptocurrency. They can also buy ads within Telegram, in both cases, all of which translates into profits for content creators and developers. In addition, Telegram indicates that it does not charge any fees for star transactions.



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