CrowdStrike reveals the causes of the bug that crashed 8.5 million Windows PCs

According to Crowdstrike, the fatal error was the fault of the testing software, which failed to detect such a potential flaw

CrowdStrike reveals the causes of the bug that crashed 8.5 million Windows PCs

The very serious computer failure that Crowdstrike caused through a poorly calibrated update could have a simpler reason than it seems. The test software, according to the computer security company, was the link that failed when it came to testing the update, since no flaws of such magnitude were detected before releasing the patch globally.

The Crowdstrike Rationale

Crowdstrike has made the decision to issue a statement through its website to speak openly about what happened on July 19 on Windows computers around the planet. And, without going any further, the main problem was that the software that tests the patch did not detect this problem with the update, something that caused the chaos that occupied all the news last weekend.

Now, Crowdstrike will have a long road ahead of it to clear its name, since this company was not so well known to the average citizen, despite the fact that they have many years of baggage behind them. With the passage of time, this mistake will gradually be far from the memory of the population, but a critical situation like the one experienced by Crowdstrike can be enough for any company to stagger without turning back.

Microsoft was the main company affected by the Crowdstrike failure
Microsoft was the main company affected by the Crowdstrike failure

An unprecedented global shutdown

Although the blocking of 8.5 million computers may seem, in raw numbers, a tiny number compared to the billions of computers that run daily in the world, the serious thing about it all is that this failure affected crucial logistics points, such as airports, train stations, and companies. With this, the feeling of collapse multiplied, since, despite the fact that “only” 8.5 million devices were affected, the impact of this fall affected many millions of people due to the consequence of the fall of so many services.

This also shows one of the negative sides of today’s globalized world, since, although progress has become much more uniform and there are fewer and fewer population gaps in aspects such as technology or the scope of companies, these types of problems also have a global impact. That is why the Windows crash also had a serious impact on Spain, despite the fact that its epicenter was the United States. Crowdstrike, for its part, has already apologized for the mistake made and will work so that these events do not happen again.



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