Elon Musk warns: Apple devices will be banned from their companies if they integrate OpenAI’s AI

The CEO of X has harshly criticized Apple’s decision to partner with OpenAI, in addition to accusing the Cupertino company of “not knowing what they are doing”.

Elon Musk warns: Apple devices will be banned from their companies if they integrate OpenAI AI
Elon Musk has reopened another controversy. One more.

Elon Musk has beef with half the world. This is how it is. And he’d like to be the Kendrick Lamar of all his battles, when he’s actually a bad Drake impersonator. In other words, in most of the messes in which the South African billionaire has gotten himself into, he has managed to look like the child who takes the ball home when others do not want to play as he says. Tell that to Sam Altman and the rest of OpenAI.

The accusations of the CEO of Twit… sorry, X, and also owner of Tesla and Space X against the CEO of OpenAI and the company he represents of carrying out unethical practices with the sole objective of making money come from a long time ago (and it is ironic that it is Musk who accuses another entrepreneur of doing the same thing he would do), But this time the Beef has gone a step further.

Musk doesn’t want anything related to OpenAI in his companies

According to information published by PhoneArena and as you can see in the post that rests on these lines, Elon Musk has publicly said that if Apple devices integrate OpenAI products at the operating system level, they will be banned from his companies.

It doesn’t stop there, as this post was followed by another in which he stated that, if this integration of Open AI happened, his employees would have to store their iPhones in a Faraday cage. For those who do not know, it is a metal box that protects against magnetic fields, and in this case it would be used to prevent any data transmission from the phones stored in it.

In typical fashion for children who are having a tantrum and with some time between posts, he proceeded to criticize Apple for being associated with OpenAI. Not only did he say that the company wasn’t smart enough to create its own AI, but they also have no idea what happens once user data passes past OpenAI.

Musk assured at this point that user data “is sold to the highest bidder”, when the truth is that X is also a huge data siphon that is also sold to different entities that are difficult to put a face to. Users of the platform even insinuate that companies associated with the Government of Israel is one of these entities, although we have not found information that attests to this and we cannot assure the veracity of these accusations.

The truth is that Elon Musk’s overreaction could be due to the rivalry with OpenAI and the contempt he feels for Sam Altman, which he has never tried to hide. In any case, Apple presented Apple Intelligence yesterday during the last WWDC. Apple said this was its first step into the AI world, announcing plans to incorporate more third-party AIs in the future. To this announcement was also added that of iOS 18, with a long list of new features.

It’s not very clear that Elon Musk is fully aware of what the integration of AI into Apple means, nor if he understands the technical implications on safety and ethics. However, as the debate continues, it will not be uncommon to look under a microscope at how Apple handles user data.



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