How often do users renew their Mac?

According to a new survey, most users keep their Mac for three years or more

How often do users renew their Mac?
Macs are very long-lived products, this is reflected in this survey

Would you know how often a user changes their Mac on average? A new study by the specialized company CIRP gives us the answer and, as expected, the time that passes between buying a new Mac and changing it is usually quite long. There are cases and cases, but let’s see what is normal.

Although the respondents were all from the United States, we could say that the average can be extrapolated to the other users. According to the CIRP study, 56% of respondents, or more than half, keep their Mac for at least three years. Three years minimum; then there can be more.

Users wait three years or more before trading in their Mac

Macs are devices that last a long time, both in terms of hardware and software, and can be updated to the latest versions of macOS for years, such as macOS Sequoia. The lifespan of a Mac can easily exceed six years, and this is reflected in the survey, the results of which indicate that more than half of users keep their Mac for three years or more.

Results of the survey conducted by CIRP
Results of the survey conducted by CIRP

On the other hand, we have users who keep their Mac for two to three years, specifically 13%. In second place, there are users who maintain it for one to two years, specifically 19% of users. Finally, we have users who only maintain it for one year, representing 13%; These could be the most demanding, which need a lot of power.

CIRP believes that there is less motivation to change the Mac because most users use it for streaming and web applications. Another reason could be the lack of new features, as well as that Macs in general work very well and don’t need to be changed as often.



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