How to edit a Facebook Messenger message

Have you made a mistake when writing a message on Facebook Messenger? We show you how to edit it

How to edit a Facebook Messenger message
Eraser erasing Facebook logo

Facebook Messenger is giving us more and more options so that we can use the application to our liking. If for some time now we have been able to download audios and hide the connection time, for a few months now it has also been possible to edit the messages if we have made a small mistake when writing them. This is very convenient to avoid sending several different messages with corrections.

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Since it began to be possible to edit WhatsApp messages, almost all messaging tools have been adding to offer this option. And if you want to edit your Facebook Messenger messages, we are going to tell you everything you need to know.

How to edit a Facebook Messenger message

Button to edit messages on Facebook Messenger
Button to edit messages on Facebook Messenger

To edit a Facebook Messenger message, all you have to do is press and hold the message you want to modify for a few seconds.

When you do so, a menu will appear like the one we see in the image. All you have to do is click on Edit. Then we will make the modifications that we think necessary in the message and we will click on the icon with a tick. The message will have been modified.

If we change our mind and finally decide not to edit the message, we will only have to click on the X icon and it will remain as it was.

How long do I have to edit a message?

Facebook Messenger will only allow you to edit a message if it’s been a maximum of 15 minutes since you sent it. In the event that more time has passed, you simply won’t be able to see the Edit button when you leave your finger on the corresponding button.

The appearance or not of this button has no relation to whether or not the other user has read your message. As long as the corresponding 15 minutes have not passed, you can change the message even if the other person has already read it.

Can I edit a message as many times as I want?

Facebook Messenger Chat
Facebook Messenger Chat

If we have edited a message and we realize that we have made a mistake again, we can edit the message again. But it is important that we are careful, because we can only modify the same message a maximum of 5 times.

Normally this is not a problem, because if what we are going to do is correct a mistake, we usually have to correct once or twice at most. But if you’re going to make a lot of changes, it’s important that we keep this limitation in mind.

What can I do if I have skipped the limitations?

Facebook Messenger Conversation

In the event that more than 15 minutes have passed or that you have already edited a message more than 5 times, the option available to you is to delete the message you had sent.

To do this, you just have to leave your finger on the message in question and select the Delete option. The message will be deleted, but the person you sent it to will be able to see a message indicating that a message has been deleted.

Will the other person know that we have edited a message?

If we make any edits to a message we’ve sent via Messenger, the person who receives it will be able to see a message with the word Edited next to the modified message. That is, it will be able to know that you have made any changes to the message you had originally sent.

Therefore, we will not be able to completely hide the fact that we have made some change to a message we had sent, but at least we will be able to eliminate the small mistakes that we may have made in a moment of writing in a hurry.

Why don’t I see the option to edit a message in Facebook Messenger?

Facebook Messenger page on the Play Store
Facebook Messenger page on the Play Store

If, even after the 15 minutes have not passed, you see that the button to edit your messages in Facebook Messenger does not appear, it is possible that the problem is that you have a version of the operating system that is too old. The option to edit messages has only been available for a few months, so if you haven’t updated the app for longer, you may not be able to see it. The solution to this problem is to simply update the app from the Google Play Store. Once you have the latest version on your smartphone, you will see how you can edit your messages without any problem.



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