Instagram adds a new button to limit the people who interact with your posts

Instagram wants to put an end to harassment on its platform and to do so it launches a button with which it will limit notifications from users who are not part of your list of best friends

Instagram adds a new button to limit the people who interact with your posts
Instagram debuts a button with which to limit the people who interact with your posts

Meta is doing everything it can to end harassment on Instagram. The company’s efforts are to prevent underage users from having an unpleasant experience on the social network, to achieve this, new features have been integrated such as filters in direct messages that prevent the reception of images that show nudity. Another change is in a section that allows you to manage all kinds of interactions and, of course, limit them.

Limited interactions” is the name with which Instagram has baptized this measure and, although it is not entirely new, it has now improved thanks to the addition of a new button that allows you to mute anyone who is not part of the list of best friends within Instagram. The intention of this button is to offer direct and quick access to users in case they consider limiting interactions on their profile.

Instagram debuts a button with which to limit the people who interact with your posts

In addition, the interesting thing is that this novelty is designed both for underage users and for anyone who is part of Instagram. The operation is really simple and does not require any kind of tedious configuration, after activating the functionality notifications and interactions will be limited.

You’ll only receive notifications from people who are part of your Instagram best friends list when it comes to sending you direct messages, tagging, and mentioning you. Of course, the rest of the users will be able to continue performing this type of action, what will happen is that Instagram will protect you and silence all notifications related to users who are not part of your best friends.

Options offered by the new Instagram feature
Options offered by the new Instagram feature. Image: Instagram

The approach to this new feature is very interesting, although we will have to see how users react to this functionality. In principle, Instagram is doing everything it can to prevent users from being harassed within the social network. But it’s odd that he doesn’t take action against the people who make these comments and instead decides to create barriers around potential victims of this kind of behavior.

It won’t be necessary to update the application to be able to access this new feature, the feature is integrated into the Instagram settings section and, therefore, should already be available to all users. When accessing it, all you need to do is open the hamburger menu at the top right of your profile and search for “Limited interactions”.



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