OpenAI delays ChatGPT mode that would put Google Assistant in check

Impact of the delay on competition with Google Assistant that would come from OpenAI’s ChatGPT

OpenAI delays ChatGPT mode that would put Google Assistant in check
ChatGPT’s advanced voice mode has been delayed, OpenAI has indicated that it is not yet ready to be released

OpenAI has once again delayed the advanced voice mode for ChatGPT. The company behind the most popular chatbot of the moment has published on X, formerly Twitter, that this voice mode would not arrive within the promised deadlines. The news is a bucket of cold water for enthusiasts, being one of the most anticipated modes and that would be able to put both Google Assistant and Siri or Alexa in check.

The company had previously announced that this update would allow ChatGPT to handle more complex tasks and perform more natural and human interactions. However, OpenAI has decided to postpone the release to ensure that the final product meets the expectations and quality standards that the community expects.

The reasons behind ChatGPT’s Advanced Voice Mode delay

Among the different reasons for delaying the launch of this mode of ChatGPT are recurring errors whose short-term solution is unfeasible. OpenAI has made the decision to postpone this product until these situations that are not in accordance with the standards they want to project are put to an end.

Although ChatGPT’s advanced voice mode will arrive late, we won’t have to wait too long. The information provided by OpenAI suggests that it will be in the autumn when users of the paid versions of ChatGPT will be able to access this new mode.

Expectations around ChatGPT’s voice mode remain high. OpenAI commented that “ChatGPT’s advanced voice mode can understand and respond with emotions and non-verbal cues, bringing us closer to natural real-time conversations with AI.”

This capability can mark a before and after within intelligent assistants, being key to offering a completely new experience. The path that ChatGPT’s advanced voice mode has to travel in order to comply with the company’s standards will not be easy.

The company has assured that this additional time will be used to refine and improve the feature, ensuring that expectations are met. ChatGPT’s potential to change the way we interact with smart devices is still huge.

OpenAI is taking prudent steps to ensure that the launch of ChatGPT’s voice mode is a resounding success. Now all that remains is to wait carefully for its launch and, above all, to see how the rest of the companies respond to this progress.



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