Stealing an Android phone is now going to be a hell of a lot harder thanks to all these new features in Android 15

new features in Android 15

Smartphones have become practically an extension of our body, and because we spend so many hours with them and use them for all kinds of activities, these devices store an enormous amount of our personal and banking data.

And with the rise of cybercrime, protecting our mobile phones has become a crucial task. For this reason, the manufacturers themselves are working to offer users the best possible security measures and Google, during its Google I/O developer conference, presented numerous innovations to make Android smartphones much more secure against theft.

Thieves have many reasons to want to physically steal a phone, but with Android 15 their chances are going to be greatly reduced. On the one hand, smartphones are usually stolen with the intention of resetting them from the factory to then sell them, however, in the coming months updated Android phones will have a function that makes it impossible to configure a mobile as new without knowing the code or password of our Google account.

At the same time, the objective of these thefts is to access our bank apps, which is why Google has introduced a function that allows us to hide the most sensitive apps protected by a security code to make it even more difficult to access them.

Because cybercriminals’ schemes are becoming more sophisticated, virtually every tweak or change to the phone will require biometric data (almost impossible to replicate) preventing anyone from changing or editing sensitive phone settings.

Android 15 Automatic Theft Stop

But without a doubt, the most interesting aspects that Google is going to include in Android 15 are the automatic protections in case your smartphone is stolen. Thanks to the AI-powered Theft Detection Lock feature, the phone detects if someone has taken their phone out of your hands and run away.

This is possible thanks to AI that has been trained to detect the movement associated with these situations and is responsible for automatically locking the screen. At the same time, Androids will be equipped with Offline Device Lock technology that detects and completely locks the device if someone has repeatedly tried to unlock the phone unsuccessfully.




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