The latest Windows 11 update may crash your PC, Microsoft advises against installing it

The latest Windows 11 update produces critical errors on computers

The latest Windows 11 update may crash your PC, Microsoft advises against installing it
Microsoft halts the latest Windows 11 update due to a series of bugs that prevent the correct use of computers

Microsoft has stopped the latest Windows 11 security update due to different issues that are arising when starting devices. This update is indiscriminately affecting both laptops and desktops, leading Microsoft to act to try to prevent the situation from escalating out of control.

The update that this behavior is offering on computers is the KB5039302. Users who have updated before Microsoft launched the warning have encountered different situations, some have experienced constant system reboots without finally loading which is also known as bootloop; while others have simply suffered from errors in operation.

The problem with a computer going into bootloop is the loss of control over the bootloop process. In addition, in situations where users only have one primary computer, the problem is transferred to the realm of productivity by not being able to access the content on the computer in any way.

The latest Windows 11 update produces critical errors on computers

Although upgrading to this version is not a guarantee that the problem will make an appearance, a large number of users have experienced it. Microsoft indicates that users who use virtual machines or perform virtualization tests on their computers are the most affected.

Microsoft still does not know the reason behind this error, what the Redmond company has indicated is that they are investigating the problem in order to put an end to it. Of course, the solution may still take time to arrive because they have to find the specific problem that is causing these errors.

The data provided by the Redmond company shows that computers used in professional environments are the most affected because the use of virtual machines is common. But this is not always the case and many users use this type of utility to test tools or simply have access to certain programs.

Having made this clear, now we just have to wait for Microsoft to release its update. It is expected to arrive over the next few weeks, most likely a one-time update. In case the warning didn’t arrive in time, you’ll most likely have to use the Windows Recovery tool to get out of the bootloop.



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