The new Google Maps uses Ubisoft technology to “travel in time” using augmented reality

Google debuts the full integration of Augmented Reality in Google Maps to be able to travel to the past

The new Google Maps uses Ubisoft technology to "travel in time" using augmented reality
Google launches AR Experience on Google Maps to travel to the past from your mobile phone

Google has just announced the integration of Ubisoft’s technology into Google Maps. The reason behind this move is to offer an immersive experience within the navigation application, for which Augmented Reality has been opted for. It’s not the first time Google has used AR on Google Maps, but it’s the first time the move has gone far beyond what is expected.

Until now, the integration of augmented reality into Google offered only one possibility: to make it easier for users to become familiar with the environment. This utility made it easy to find places such as monuments, cafes or avenues. Google wants the integration to allow users to enjoy architectural elements from another time.

Yes, Google Maps will now allow users to “travel back in time” so that they can see what some monuments looked like years ago. Google has called this feature “AR Experience“, it is integrated into the Google Maps interface and when you make use of it the Street View opens so it will be necessary to give permissions to use the camera the application

Google launches AR Experience on Google Maps to travel to the past from your mobile phone

Google Maps will offer monuments thanks to Augmented Reality

What Google has indicated in a post on its official blog shows everything it has worked on to get Google Maps to offer this new experience. The Mountain View company has indicated that, for example, it will be possible to see thanks to augmented reality the different concepts that were not carried out of the Eiffel Tower.

That’s not all, you can also enjoy the Pavilions of the 1900 Universal Exhibition that were built temporarily on the banks of the Seine. Google seems to have focused on France, in fact, the rest of the integrations at the AR level also take part in the country where the 2024 Olympics are being held.

Google Maps will offer monuments thanks to Augmented Reality

The experience ends with the reimagination of Paris in the 18th century thanks to a visit to the Tuileries Palace before its destruction next to the Bastille and with a visit to the Notre Dame Cathedral along with its surroundings as if it were 1789. All this can be enjoyed from Google Maps and a smartphone.

To be able to enjoy these new features, the only thing necessary is to have Google Maps installed on the mobile device, although it will be essential to have the latest version of the application, so it will be advisable to visit both the App Store and the Play Store to check that there is no pending update.



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