The Samsung Galaxy Z Fold6 and Z Flip6 are shown in their first official image

The leaked promotional image assures the final design that Samsung’s new foldables will have

The Samsung Galaxy Z Fold6 and Z Flip6 are shown in their first official image
Samsung’s foldables are sales leaders in this smartphone segment

Samsung’s new line of foldable phones, the Galaxy Z Fold6 and Z Flip6, have been spotted for the first time in official images revealed, a priori, accidentally, by Samsung’s portals in some countries. This image also gives us a glimpse of the final design of both the new clamshell Z Flip6 and the book-type Z Fold6.

Galaxy Z Fold6 and Flip6 leaked by Samsung

The image, which first appeared on Reddit, shows how Samsung’s Kazakhstan store at one point let the world see the promotional image for Samsung’s upcoming line of foldable phones. With this, the South Korean company will intend, for another year, to continue leading the market for phones that fold, both in the clamshell segment that is currently led by the Galaxy Z Flip5, and the book type segment with the Galaxy Z Fold5 at the front.

Samsung Kazakhstan version has been the one that has leaked Samsung new foldable models

With a launch window that usually takes place in the summer, and considering that Samsung is already preparing the official announcement of its new range of foldable phones, one would expect the launch of the Z Flip6 and Z Fold6 to be getting closer and closer. In 2023, an Unpacked was held on July 26, and at the beginning of August, the current line began to be sold, so it would be expected that in a few weeks there will be some movement from the South Korean company to prepare for its double big launch.

Numerous leaks and rumors

It is not the first time that something related to the new Samsung Galaxy Z Fold6 and Z Flip6 has been seen, as there have been several leaks or data that have been confirmed regarding the new foldable phones that will be called to lead this segment of smartphones for another year. For example, among other data, it is known that the outer screen of the Z Fold6 will be wider than ever, or that, to the joy of many users, Qualcomm will mount the processors for all regions.

In fact, the same design of the phones was already leaked for the first time several months ago, and with the passage of subsequent leaks, plus that of the most recent promotional image, it can already be confirmed that the design that was revealed in the month of February was correct. All that, added to the fact that the Z Fold6 will presumably carry the 3rd generation Snapdragon 8, Samsung’s new line of foldables will go strong in both design and power.



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