Why Elon Musk considers Apple devices to be unsafe in his companies

The businessman sued OpenAI in March, which recently partnered with Apple to bring ChatGPT to iPhone

Elon Musk believes that OpenAI seeks user data only for its economic benefit
Elon Musk believes that OpenAI seeks user data only for its economic benefit. (REUTERS/David Swanson/File Photo)

Elon Musk questioned the security of Apple devices after announcing the integration of ChatGPT into his devices, to the point of considering banning the entry of the brand’s products into the offices of his companies, such as X, Tesla and SpaceX. For months, the businessman has claimed that OpenAI puts the security of users at risk, seeking economic benefits.

Through his social networks he has launched strong criticism against Apple, suggesting that the company should not depend on OpenAI to protect the privacy and security of users, in relation to the integration of AI in these devices.

In one of his posts, he claimed that it was “absurd” that Apple, a company renowned for its ability to innovate, would not develop its own AI technology, instead opting to partner with OpenAI, whose data protection methods might not be fully understood by iPhone creators or end users.

Elon Musk believes that OpenAI seeks user data only for its economic benefit
Elon Musk believes that OpenAI seeks user data only for its economic benefit. (REUTERS)

The reasons behind Musk’s questioning of OpenAI

The entrepreneur has questioned OpenAI’s transparency and its approach to AI. In a lawsuit filed against the company and its CEO, Sam Altman, Musk accused the organization of abandoning its original mission of developing AI for the benefit of humanity, transforming itself into an entity more concerned with economic profit than global interests.

According to the lawsuit, OpenAI, under the influence of corporations such as Microsoft (which holds an exclusive license to OpenAI’s language models), has chosen to keep certain developments such as the GPT-4 model closed, which contrasts with the initial ideals of transparency and open collaboration.

“Under his new board of directors, he is not only developing, but perfecting an IAG (Artificial General Intelligence) to maximize Microsoft’s profits, rather than doing so for the good of humanity,” is mentioned in the document in which the Tesla owner filed the lawsuit.

On several occasions, the billionaire has made clear his concerns about the risks posed by artificial intelligence, especially when privacy and security aspects are not properly managed.

Elon Musk believes that OpenAI seeks user data only for its economic benefit
Elon Musk believes that OpenAI seeks user data only for its economic benefit.

In his statements about the integration of ChatGPT into Apple devices, Musk stresses that the company could be handing over data from its users to OpenAI without fully understanding the implications of this information sharing.

For him, the lack of control over how this data is used and protected represents a serious risk, both for individual users and for companies that manage sensitive information.

The possible ban of Apple devices in their companies

After WWDC, where Apple revealed the AI features that its devices will have, Elon Musk publicly announced his intention to ban the use of AI devices in all his companies if the company decides to integrate OpenAI’s technology into its operating systems.

The businessman argues that this integration represents an “unacceptable security breach”, as he considers that the technology behind ChatGPT can compromise the privacy and security of users.

Elon Musk believes that OpenAI seeks user data only for its economic benefit
Elon Musk believes that OpenAI seeks user data only for its economic benefit. (Illustrative image)

He even assured in X that “visitors will have to leave their Apple devices at the door (of their companies’ facilities), where they will be stored in a Faraday cage”, a mechanism that allows electronic signals to be blocked, an extreme measure to avoid any potential risk derived from this integration.

“It’s totally absurd that Apple isn’t smart enough to create its own AI and yet be able to guarantee that OpenAI will protect your security and privacy. Apple has no idea what’s going on once it hands over your data to OpenAI. They are betraying you,” Musk posted on his X account.



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