Wise, the fintech entity, has suffered a massive hack: this is the data at risk

Wise joins the growing list of large companies that have suffered computer attacks in 2024

Wise, the fintech entity, has suffered a massive hack: this is the data at risk
Wise’s products and services allow its customers to pay in many currencies instantly

One of the great evils of the technology industry is computer crime. Wise, a well-known electronic money fintech entity, can account for this after the recent massive hack that the company has suffered due to its connection with Evolve Bank & Trust, leaving all kinds of personal data of its customers exposed. Fortunately, however, there is no leak of access credentials, personal documents or bank cards. However, Wise warns its customers to be cautious in the short term.

Leaked customers’ personal data

As it has been known from the message that Wise itself has shared with all its customers through email, the company has been the victim of a computer attack in which the personal data of its customers has been exposed. It is not possible to know how many of the customers may have had their personal data stolen, so all of them will have to take precautions with the content they may receive from now on through their contact channels.

What Wise understands by personal data has not been specified in detail, but it should be mentioned that the personal data most likely to be stolen in this type of hack, and which was shared with Evolve Bank & Trust, the epicenter of the attack, are the following:

  • Name and surname.
  • Phone number.
  • Email.
  • Home address.

Caution against possible scam attempts

Luckily, passwords aren’t part of the data at risk within Wise. However, the chances of being phishing or spoofed by cybercriminals are now higher than before, so if you’re a Wise user, keep an eye out for any suspicious emails or SMS you may receive in the near future. There are no leaks of passwords, cards or documents, so the most compromising elements are safe.

The Wise digital card allows you to pay conveniently with your mobile or wearable
The Wise digital card allows you to pay conveniently with your mobile or wearable

Unfortunately, there is no way to avoid these risks once the data has been leaked, so the only option, if you don’t want to be on constant alert, would be to delete your Wise account this way. However, it’s still possible for your email or phone number to be used in databases to send spam messages or as a target for other scams, so even if you unsubscribe from Wise, you’ll need to be careful about what messages you may receive on your phone or in your email.

This type of cyberattack happens frequently, and large banks are usually one of the most greedy targets for cybercriminals. For example, last February, Revolut was the victim of a computer attack that, like Wise, put the personal data of millions of customers in check. Therefore, it is important, regardless of the bank, that you keep an eye out for any strange messages or unusual movements from your bank account.



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