Humans leave the planet treeless; Animals pay the price

Trees are a source of life, thanks to which ecosystems can survive, as they absorb carbon dioxide and convert it into oxygen. In addition, they provide shade, give freshness to cities and are food for many species, in short: a world without trees is unthinkable.

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But it seems that human beings err on the side of being ungrateful and don’t appreciate all that a tree does for us. Deforestation, forest fires, invasion of natural areas and pollution, little by little leave us without them. Do you think it’s a lie? When you look at these 15 photographs, you’ll realize that it’s not just humans who need trees, animals are also victims.


1. Lionesses take advantage of the shadow of a small plane

Cows enjoying shade given by airplane

2. Not even seagulls on the beach can stand so much heat

Seagulls in the shade

3. Chickens taking shelter

Chickens seek shade

4. Sheep desperate to get away from the heat

Cattle seek shade

5. Crowded Goats Fighting for Some Shade

Sheep protect themselves from the sun

6. Koala after its habitat was destroyed

Treeless koala habitat

7. Sheep seeking shelter from the heat

Sheep don't want sun

8. Cattle in the desert taking advantage of limited sunless space

Animals under the tree

9. Pigeons looking for a place to rest

Pigeons in the shade

10. Cats That Don’t Have a Tree Nearby

Cats in the shade


11. Thirsty Koala

Cyclists give water to koala

12. Geese Running Away From The Heat

Geese seek shade

13. Did you know?

With And Without Trees In The City

14. Don’t detract from what a tree can do for you

If Trees Gave Wifi

15. Ironic

The Sad Reality

Are we going to wait for them all to disappear?

Tree Path



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