Why are some people bitten more by mosquitoes? Science has the answer

Mosquitoes do not bite randomly, they look at the following factors to choose who they draw blood from

Why are some people bitten more by mosquitoes? Science has the answer
We will explain why mosquitoes bite certain people more and some tricks to avoid their bites

Have you ever wondered why some people are bitten more by mosquitoes? It is not only due to one factor, but depends on several that we will break down below. In fact, if you are interested in reducing mosquito bites, there are several useful tricks, related to why certain people are bitten before others, which we will also mention.

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How Flies Decide Who to Bite

First of all, there are more than 2,500 species of mosquitoes, although in this article we will refer to the animal, in general, since several factors are common in its different species. On the other hand, we must make it clear that we are talking about the most lethal animal on the planet, responsible for more than 700,000 deaths per year due to its ability to transmit diseases.

Of course, only females bite, since they need blood to grow their eggs, so it is not mosquitoes that bite, but “flies”, but how do they decide who to bite? There are many factors, but the ones we will show you below are the most relevant.

CO2 and lactic acid

CO2 and lactic acid are important. The first is carbon dioxide and the second, a substance that we emit when we breathe and through sweat perspiration, things that they detect through their powerful smell.

Pregnant women and tall people naturally emit more of both, making them more prone to bites. They are joined by those who have just played sports, due to sweat and faster breathing, and because when they move they are more identifiable to mosquitoes.

Therefore, after sweating, it is best to take a shower. However, there is also a relationship between colognes and perfumes and their bites, since they are attracted to them.

They bite more those who have type O blood

Another differential factor, but one against which we can do nothing is blood. People who have type O blood are more bitten by mosquitoes than those with types A and B, according to various studies, such as the one published in the American Journal of Entomology in 2019 or the National Library of Medicine. Mosquitoes can identify them by the lactic acid they emit.

They notice certain colors of clothing

What we can change are the colors we wear. A study by the University of Washington revealed that this animal is attracted to certain colors, which we should avoid to reduce the chances of being bitten. These are black, red, orange, and cyan. Meanwhile, they are less attracted to green, blue, white and purple, especially in light tones.

They like you better if you drink alcohol

What you drink also plays a role. Although the relationship between alcohol consumption and bites is not a field that has been fully researched, there are different studies that link alcohol intake with bites, stating that drinking more of this substance increases them due to the rise in body temperature it causes. On the other hand, a study by the French National Research Agency links beer intake with a greater number of bites.

How to avoid mosquito bites

Here are some tips to avoid mosquito bites:

  • Wear clothes in neutral colors and as light as possible (whites)
  • Do not use colognes or perfumes
  • Avoid standing water
  • Maintain good body hygiene, especially after sports
  • Sleep with the light off, as mosquitoes flock to the light

In addition to all this, repellents have shown useful performance. You can use repellents with DEET (deityltoluamide), an active ingredient that confuses mosquitoes and encourages them not to bite us. It is best to use mosquito repellents that contain 40 or 50% DEET, since some are used more than others.



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